Welcome to our church! We're so glad you're here.
Physical Address: 1648 FM 340, Hallettsville, Texas 77964
Mailing Address: P. O. Drawer H, Hallettsville, Texas 77964
Mass Schedule: Sundays at 9:15 a.m.
Administrative: Pat Mladenka (361)798-2128
Bulletin: Mary Ventura (361)798-5888
Cemetery: Miranda Henke (361)798-3731 or Richard Sommerlatte (361) 798-0529
Mass Scheduling: Call Sacred Heart Church Rectory (361)798-5888
Parish Hall Rental: Judy Opela (361)772-0458
Religious Ed. (CCD): Carol Rother (361) 798-6856
Physical Address: 11134 FM 957, Schulenburg, Texas
Mailing Address: P. O. Drawer H, Hallettsville, Texas 77964
Mass Schedule: See the Bulletin
Administrative: Dorothy Berger (979) 562-2187
Bulletin: Mary Ventura (361) 798-5888
Cemetery: Kathy Guenther (979) 562-2124
Church Care Taker: Robert & Mary Kendall (361) 217-0624
Parish Hall Rental: Kathy Guenther (361) 743-0369
Religious Ed. (CCD): Dana Daughtry (979) 562-2381
Physical Address: 7026 FM 957, Schulenburg, Texas
Mailing Address: P. O. Drawer H, Hallettsville, Texas 77964
Mass Schedule: See the Bulletin
First Friday Mass: First Friday of each month at 8:00 a.m.
Administrative: Dorothy Berger (979) 562-2187
Bulletin: Mary Ventura (361) 798-5888
Cemetery: Dorothy Berger (979) 562-2187
Church Care Taker: Elsie Farek (979) 562-2159
Parish Hall Rental: Frank Forestier (832) 643-4590
Religious Ed. (CCD): Dana Daughtry (979) 562-2381